The Village Oaks Student Lighthouse Team consists of one student from each classroom, selected by their peers. Student Lighthouse Team Members demonstrate dependability, reliability, respect and a strong work ethic to make Village Oaks a great place. Through their service, Lighthouse Team Members get the chance to develop their public speaking, problem solving and ideating abilities.
The Student Lighthouse Team with Mrs. Cummings and Mr. Weigel-Hubler
Junior coaches are 4th grade students who participate in regular trainings that focus on teaching valuable skills like leadership, conflict resolution, inclusion and community action, successfully improving their self-esteem, self advocacy, leadership ability, and desire to improve academically. We build play into leadership through our junior coach leadership program, which encourages teams of students to work together to learn games, play fair, lead conflict resolution and to teach these skills and lessons appropriately to their peers.
Village Oaks is a Leader in Me school and we strive to live the 7 Habits and show HEART! Every month the entire school takes part in Villas. During Villas, students disperse to their Villa teacher and focus on a lesson involving the habits and how we can show HEART in school, home, and out in the world! Villa teams are made up of 12-15 students of all different grade levels. Students keep their Villa teacher and group for their entire stay here at VO!
The Village Oaks Sunshine Squad is a group of student leaders, consisting of one student from each classroom. These are students who shine a light of kindness onthose around them. The mission of the Sunshine Squad is to brighten people’s days through random acts of kindness at Village Oaks. Their interactions promote daily kindness and positivity within our building.
The VO NOVIroment Club is an opportunity for kindergarten-4th Grade students to learn more about environmental literacy and the world that surrounds them. Our goal is to make learning about the environment local, so that students fell empowered to take action in their own homes and community. Club members meet twice a month to learn about andget hands-on experience with a range of environmental topics including: