Arrival & Dismissal Times and Procedures

At Village Oaks we expect students to arrive before 9:00 a.m., and we dismiss at 3:52 p.m. On scheduled half days, we dismiss at 12:22 p.m.

Due to safety protocols, at this time, parents are not allowed into our building during school hours except our main office.

Students either ride the bus, get dropped-off or picked-up by a parent or guardian, walk to and from school, or use before or after-school CARE.  Please read the relevant information expectations depending on your student's category.


  • The bus loop is on the northeast side of the building.  We ask that parents not enter the bus dismissal area.
  • Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the bus loop and will allowed off the bus before 9:00am.
  • Parents or guardians will receive School Messenger updates in the event  of late busses.
  • At dismissal students exit by bus letter.  Staff members are strategically placed in the area for supervision.
  • If you need additional information, please contact our Transportation Department at 248-449-1245.

Drop-off/ Pick-Up

The drop-off/ pick-up zone is the front, east side of the building.  At Village Oaks we ask that parents pull forward all the way, be alert, walk, and think of our student's safety first. Staff members are present to help guide this process.

  • Pull forward all the way: Stay single file and in the right lane. You may need to pull beyond the front door.  Drop-off can occur anywhere there is a sidewalk which may be before or after the front door.  Please be sure students exit and enter the passenger side of the vehicle.
  • In the AM kindergarten and first grade students enter through our new main entrance.  Second, third and fourth grade students will enter through door #1 (which is the door closest to our old entrance/American flag.)
  • Be Alert:  Be ready, and have the kids ready to exit the vehicle with their backpacks, etc...  Please save texts and phone calls until after drop-off or pick-up!
  • Please do not park and walk across the car or bus loops.
  •  At arrival, students can enter the building when they hear the 8:55am bell ring.
  • We ask that parents please park in the large south parking lot.
  • Please avoid parking in the car loop parking spaces during drop off times and pick up times.


The Novi Community School District policy states that if you reside within walking distance of the school your child attends, then your child is expected to walk. One mile or under is considered the "walk zone" for elementary schools.  We ask that all walkers use the sidewalks and not cut through the car loop. We have crossing guards to assist them.


CARE is located in our cafeteria.  Parents or guardians use Door 3 for drop-off and pick-up.  CARE services are  provided  by our Community Education Department.  Students  can be dropped-off as early as 6:45 a.m. and must be picked-up by 6:00 p.m.  For more information please call 248-675-3400 or Holly Bengle at 248-449-1307.  You may email her at